Albatros ... z lotu ptaka Albatros ... z lotu ptaka

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Jednym z głównych problemów, przed którymi stoi każdy, kto chce uczciwie zbadać problemy związane z terroryzmem jest to, że od razu są tacy, w Internecie oraz w mediach, którzy chcą winić konkretnego rasa lub przekonań religijnych do odpowiedzialności aktu przemocy wobec ludzkości. Sugerowałbym, że jest naiwny, aby ciągle obwiniać wyłącznie państwo, lub jedną grupę etniczną lub religijną. Terroryzm jest kondycja ludzka, która przekracza wszelkie granice na całym świecie. Są ludzie na całym świecie, którzy budzą się każdego dnia i praktyki terroryzmu tak samo jak pójdą do fabryki lub biura do pracy, ponieważ przemoc wobec ludzkości jest opłacalna. Ludzie zarabiają na produkcji i sprzedaży broni i systemów bezpieczeństwa, prowadzenie więzień, pracując jako dziennikarze świadczących dezinformację w mediach lub pracowników państwowych pokrywających się informacji w rządzie. Sposób, w jaki ludzie wszystkich narodowości, etnicznej lub religijnej udziału w terroryzm, i zarabiać pieniądze z terroryzmem, jest wiele. Do tego momentu jest akceptowane i uznawane ... aż przestaniemy obwiniać konkretną grupę dla wszystkich aktów terroryzmu ... nigdy nie będziemy, jak ludzie rozwiązać problem terroryzmu.

Ludzkość zasługuje na coś lepszego niż stale walczyć sam. Nadszedł czas, aby obrócić stronę w historii ludzkości i zatrzymać masakrę.


W dniu 7 stycznia 2015 roku w dużej części pracowników Charlie Hebdo satyrycznej publikacji masakry w ich mocy został paryskim biurze. Poniżej znajdują się linki do chronologii wydarzeń i pewne refleksje związane z imprezą. Jak zawsze, to są moje opinie.

Chronologia wydarzeń związanych z masakry Charlie Hebdo w biurze w

Charlie Hedo masakra. refleksje napisane na FaceBook ciągu tygodnia morderstw

Hyper Cacher

Hyper Cacher była scena strzelaniny w której zakładnicy zostali podobno podjęte przez samotnego zamachowca. Ostatnio wątpliwości zostały oddane, czy bandyta został zakuty w kajdanki w momencie jego dramatycznego zjazdu z wnętrza supermarketu pod gradem policyjnej strzelaniny.Oczywiste pytanie, które przychodzi na myśl jest, dlaczego miałby być kajdanki przed zatrzymany.Poniżej zdjęcie z filmu z jego wyjściu z supermarketu. Oto Link do krótkiego filmu pojedynczych klatek pokazano jego wyjście. To było w prasie, że "Coulibaly zaatakowała siły policyjne z karabinu Kałasznikow i Skorpion pistolet wojskowy ", zgodnie z Paris Francois Molins Prokurator Generalny. Jest to oczywiście jedno z wyjaśnień, dlaczego jego ręce są splecione razem.


Naród niemiecki uwiedzony PRZEZ NAZISTÓW KAT czy OFIARA

Jeśli przyjrzysz się uważnie, aby w lewym dolnym rogu zdjęcia, wydaje się, że jest zarys broni.Więcej na ten temat tutaj .


Teorie spiskowe

Dziś jest to elegancki intelektualnie wśród klasy średniej rozważyć intelektualną ciekawość i postawy pytające "spisek myślenia".

Ale każdy z umysłem można zasadnie twierdzić, pytający dlaczego byłoby to bardzo mało prawdopodobne, paliwo lotnicze spalanie może zapaść ogromny konstrukcji stalowych i betonowych, takich jak Twin Towers jak akordeon i rozpadają się je na proszek. Jednakże, ponieważ nasze rządy i media twierdzili, że to logicznie możliwe, budynki 110 piętrze, aby włączyć się w pył, większość ludzkości spadła wszystkie pozory logiki i udał się na przejażdżkę.

Istoty ludzkie są stale zachęcane do zamknięcia ich umysły i niewątpliwie akceptuje dogmatyczne stwierdzenia na temat Al-Kaidy, pandemie, wycieki oleju i Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego. I odpowiedź ludzkości wydaje się być "lepiej przyjąć, niż pytanie".

I choć burżuazja ma wykształcenie i siły gospodarczej na pytanie i badaniom niejasności biurokracji, rzadko robi. Zbyt często wycofuje się z krytycznego myślenia i oddzwania smirkily do tych, którzy pytanie ... "jesteś teorii spiskowych!". ... KFS

"Każdy z nas będzie chciał w czasach, które mieszkały w bardziej spokojnym świecie, ale my nie." ...Robert F. Kennedy




·  Contents of Report - Humanity in Chaos



Tłumaczenie strony

keywords: compassion, humanity, discrimination, human beings, love, technology, banking, murder. wikilogo ... Polish President, Lech Kaczynski, murdered?

·  Humanity in Chaos - Turning the Page . Human Beings ...



Tłumaczenie strony

Keywords: Smolensk Russia, Poland, European Union, Lech Kaczynski, Tupolev ... Terrorism is a human condition which crosses all borders around the globe.

·  Humanity in Chaos - Polish plane crash special witness



Tłumaczenie strony

Polish President, Lech Kaczynski, murdered? CONTENTS . Part 1a . Part 1b . Part 2 . Part 3 . Part 4a . Part 4b . Part 5 . Part 6  ...

·  Humanity in Chaos - Polish plane crash personal reflection - Tłumaczenie strony

The poem came to mind while researching Lech Kaczynski's death. The origins of the poem seem to be uncertain. One idea is that Humpty Dumpty was a  ...

·  humanity in chaos - Albatros ... z lotu ptaka -,humanity-in-chaos

Chaos in Humanity w „Globalnej Wiosce” ciąg dalszy. ... Czy Pan Prezydent Lech Kaczyński i Pozostałe Osoby na pokładzie TU-154M PLF 101 nie zasłużyli  ...

·  Co by było gdyby ?- Co łączy Czeskiego Szwejka z Polską ...,co-by-bylo-gdyby-co-laczy-czeskiego-szwej...



30.06.2012 - Humanity in Chaos / a booklet. This booklet ... Keywords: Smolensk Russia, Poland, European Union, Lech Kaczynski, Tupolev Tu-154M,  ...

·  Prawa Noga i lewa Noga i zdrowy błędnik - blog Albatros ...,prawa-noga-i-lewa-noga-i-zdrowy-blednik



24.09.2013 - Humanity in Chaos - Polish plane crash personal reflection ... Czy Pan Prezydent Lech Kaczyński i Pozostałe Osoby na pokładzie TU-154M  ...

·  Wybory, nasze wybory 2015 - Dopóki nie nastąpi desant ...,wybory-nasze-wybory-2015-dopoki-nie-nast...



30 cze 2012 - Polish plane crash contents of report - Humanity in Chaos . ... Czy Pan Prezydent Lech Kaczyński i Pozostałe Osoby na pokładzie TU-154M PLF  ...


wszystko na przykładzie NAZISTÓW I WŁOSKIEJ FALANGI MUSOLLINIEGO jest do likwidacji i potępienia oraz odrzucenia. Polskie obozy koncentracyjne !. Polacy mordercy z Jedwabnem - wszystko wg NICH jest PRAWDĄ ! Absurdy i kłamstwa do POTĘGI n!



jakie korzenie ma MASONERIA ?


sobota, 16 maja 2015

zezorro szabasowy: Zwycięstwo

Autor: Zezowaty Zorro o 18:00 Etykiety: zezoTube

Aż dwie huczne rocznice "zwycięstwa" obchodziliśmy przed tygodniem. Zajrzyjmy za jego podwójne kulisy.

© zezorro'10

bez komentarzy image

Okiem Charliego

Autor: Edward Ciecko o 00:25

-Byłam ostatnio z przymusu na chwilę w Dużym Mieście. Dosłownie, na chwilę, bo poza załatwianiem pewnych spraw, samo przemieszczanie się po centrum zajęło mi łącznie może godzinę. Przeraziło mnie to doświadczenie.

© zezorro'10

2 komentarzy image

czwartek, 14 maja 2015


Autor: Zezowaty Zorro o 18:00 Etykiety: czytanka


© zezorro'10

8 komentarzy image

wtorek, 12 maja 2015

Znasz Piotra K?

Autor: Zezowaty Zorro o 23:04 Etykiety: blog KuczyńskiegoPL

Sprawa WSI do dziś wstrząsa nadwiślańskim bantustanem. Nie na tyle jednak, żeby zagrozić pozycjom zawodowym "analityków". Okazuje się - wedle ich zeznań - że co prawda pracowali jako "analitycy", ale od PR. Nad Wisłą drogi watsonie wszystko jest "inaczej", jak u króla Ubu. Rządzi Ubol i Ubica, anal robi PR analny, a gazeta gojska podgrzewa patriotyzm, żeby szybciej sobie poderżnęli gardła...

Znasz może Piotra K. albo Marka N?

© zezorro'10

2 komentarzy image

Zmiana strategii wobec Chin

Autor: Zezowaty Zorro o 12:28 Etykiety: newsletter


© zezorro'10

7 komentarzy image

The Biggest Cover-Up In History

This documentary tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know.



Read The Book

This documentary is based upon the ground-breaking book by Thomas Goodrich. Available on Amazon.



Eye-Witness Quotes

We only hear what the victors have to say about World War II, and rarely ever from the victims.



Recommended Resources

Get some context for this documentary by watching some essential videos.

DVD Orders

HellstormApril 30, 20152 Comments

UPDATE: All DVDs have been shipped.

If you you donated to the original fundraiser or recently used PayPal to contribute funds and are supposed to receive a DVD, your order has been shipped and you should have your DVD now or in the near future.

If you do not receive the package in the next week, please send a message via our contact form, and we will check on your shipment.

If you would like to receive a DVD, please use the form in the right sidebar.

Posted in Updates

The Red Army’s WWII Horror Orgy Of Rape Worse Than Thought

HellstormMay 16, 20151 Comment

By Daniel Johnson |


The Red Army’s orgy of rape in the dying days of Nazi Germany was conducted on a much greater scale than previously suspected, according to a new book by the military historian Anthony Beevor.

Beevor, the author of the best-selling Stalingrad, says advancing Soviet troops raped large numbers of Russian and Polish women held in concentration camps, as well as millions of Germans.

The extent of the Red Army’s indiscipline and depravity emerged as the author studied Soviet archives for his forthcoming book Berlin, to be published in April by Viking.

Beevor – who was educated at Sandhurst and served in the 11th Hussars (Prince Albert’s Own), an elite cavalry regiment – says details of the Soviet soldiers’ behaviour have forced him to revise his view of human nature.

“Having always in the past slightly pooh-poohed the idea that most men are potential rapists, I had to come to the conclusion that if there is a lack of army discipline, most men with a weapon, dehumanised by living through two or three years of war, do become potential rapists,” he told The Bookseller.

He appears to echo the American feminist Marilyn French’s notorious claim that “in their relations with women, all men are rapists, and that’s all they are”.

Any such resemblance is, however, superficial. Beevor is careful to qualify any suggestion that what happened from 1944 onwards is in any way typical of male behaviour in peacetime. But he admits that he was “shaken to the core” to discover that Russian and Polish women and girls liberated from concentration camps were also violated.

“That completely undermined the notion that the soldiers were using rape as a form of revenge against the Germans,” he said.

“By the time the Russians reached Berlin, soldiers were regarding women almost as carnal booty; they felt because they were liberating Europe they could behave as they pleased. That is very frightening, because one starts to realise that civilisation is terribly superficial and the facade can be stripped away in a very short time.”

Beevor’s high reputation as a historian ensures that his claims will be taken seriously. Stalingrad was widely praised and awarded the prestigious Samuel Johnson Prize, the Wolfson Prize for History and the Hawthornden Prize.

His account of the siege of Berlin, however, promises to be more controversial. “In many ways the fate of the women and the girls in Berlin is far worse than that of the soldiers starving and suffering in Stalingrad.”

To understand why the rape of Germany was so uniquely terrible, the context is essential. Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of Russia in 1941, began the most genocidal conflict in history. Perhaps 30 million inhabitants of the Soviet Union are now thought to have died during the war, including more than three million who were deliberately starved in German PoW camps.

The Germans, having shown no quarter, could expect none in return. Their casualties were also on a vast scale. In the Battle of Berlin alone more than a million German soldiers were killed or died later in captivity, plus at least 100,000 civilians. The Soviet Union lost more than 300,000 men.

Against this horrific background, Stalin and his commanders condoned or even justified rape, not only against Germans but also their allies in Hungary, Romania and Croatia. When the Yugoslav Communist Milovan Djilas protested to Stalin, the dictator exploded: “Can’t he understand it if a soldier who has crossed thousands of kilometres through blood and fire and death has fun with a woman or takes some trifle?”

And when German Communists warned him that the rapes were turning the population against them, Stalin fumed: “I will not allow anyone to drag the reputation of the Red Army in the mud.”

The rapes had begun as soon as the Red Army entered East Prussia and Silesia in 1944. In many towns and villages every female, aged from 10 to 80, was raped. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the Nobel laureate who was then a young officer, described the horror in his narrative poem Prussian Nights: “The little daughter’s on the mattress,/Dead. How many have been on it/A platoon, a company perhaps?”

But Solzhenitsyn was rare: most of his comrades regarded rape as legitimate. As the offensive struck deep into Germany, the orders of Marshal Zhukov, their commander, stated: “Woe to the land of the murderers. We will get a terrible revenge for everything.”

By the time the Red Army reached Berlin its reputation, reinforced by Nazi propaganda, had already terrified the population, many of whom fled. Though the hopeless struggle came to an end in May 1945, the ordeal of German women did not.

How many German women were raped? One can only guess, but a high proportion of at least 15 million women who either lived in the Soviet Union zone or were expelled from the eastern provinces. The scale of rape is suggested by the fact that about two million women had illegal abortions every year between 1945 and 1948.

It was not until the winter of 1946-47 that the Soviet authorities, concerned by the spread of disease, imposed serious penalties on their forces in East Germany for fraternising with the enemy.

Soviet soldiers saw rape, often carried out in front of a woman’s husband and family, as an appropriate way of humiliating the Germans, who had treated Slavs as an inferior race with whom sexual relations were discouraged. Russia’s patriarchal society and the habit of binge-drinking were also factors, but more important was resentment at the discovery of Germany’s comparative wealth.

The fact, highlighted by Beevor, that Soviet troops raped not only Germans but also their victims, recently liberated from concentration camps, suggests that the sexual violence was often indiscriminate, although far fewer Russian or Polish women were raped when their areas were liberated compared to the conquered Germans.

Jews, however, were not necessarily regarded by Soviet troops as fellow victims of the Nazis. The Soviet commissars had commandeered German concentration camps in order to incarcerate their own political prisoners, who included “class enemies” as well as Nazi officials, and their attitude towards the previous inmates was, to say the least, unsentimental.

As for the millions of Russian prisoners or slave workers who survived the Nazis: those who were not executed as traitors or sent to the Gulag could count themselves lucky. The women among them were probably treated no better than the Germans, perhaps worse.

The rape of Germany left a bitter legacy. It contributed to the unpopularity of the East German communist regime and its consequent reliance on the Stasi secret police. The victims themselves were permanently traumatised: women of the wartime generation still refer to the Red Army war memorial in Berlin as “the Tomb of the Unknown Rapist”.


Posted in Articles

DailyMail: How thousands of Germans committed mass suicide as Allies approached in the final days of WWII

HellstormMay 16, 2015No Comments

The truth of the horrors that the Germans faced as WWII came to a close is finally reaching a mainstream audience. Of course mainstream news outlets will not reveal the whole truth, which Hellstorm does, but it’s a step in the right direction.


At just 10-years-old Manfred Schuster stumbled upon the biggest mass suicide in modern European history.

Seventy years on he has never forgotten the ‘bloodcurdling’ screams as a group of around 50 women killed themselves and their children right in front of him.

The date was May 1, 1945, and he was in the German town of Demmin in the final days of the Third Reich.

Up to 2,000 residents killed themselves after the arrival of the Soviet Army sparked widespread panic.

‘I shall never forget the cries of ‘Mum, Mum,” Mr Schuster reportedly toldthe Times.

Mr Schuster and his family had only arrived in the town from Stettin, now Szcsecin, Poland, a few weeks earlier.

He told how he was returning from the shops along the banks of the river Peene with his friend when they heard the screams.

The boys saw around 50 women, weighed down with stones, jump to their deaths in the murky water with their children tethered to them.

‘The most horrible part was when a couple of the children broke free and made it back to the bank, from where they just looked on helplessly, screaming back at the water where their mothers and siblings had drowned.’

The mass suicides were triggered by the arrival of the Soviet Army the previous day who were responsible for sacking the town.

Posted in Articles

Hellstorm Interviews on Republic Broadcasting

HellstormMay 16, 2015No Comments

Our friends at RBN have been helping us to promote the new film. Check out these great shows:

May 9th – Tom Goodrich and Kyle Hunt on Rick Adams Uncensored w/ Rick Adams

May 10th – Kyle Hunt on Incendiary Radio w/ Robert Reyvolt

May 16th – The Alternative Media w/ Farren Shoaf

Posted in Interviews

Deanna Spingola Interviews The Makers of Hellstorm

HellstormMay 15, 2015No Comments


Deanna Spingola speaks with Thomas Goodrich, author of Hellstorm, The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947 and Rape Hate: Sex & Violence in War & Peace, and Kyle Hunt, radio host of the Solar Storm on Renegade Broadcasting and the producer of Hellstorm, the Biggest Cover-up in History

Posted in Interviews

Thomas Goodrich and Kyle Hunt Discuss Hellstorm

HellstormMay 12, 2015No Comments

Kyle invited Tom to join him on his show on to talk a number of important topics, such as the recent release of the documentary, some important topics that can only be found in the book, and why this material is so relevant to our situation today. Have a listen to this great broadcast. There is lots of new material for your to consider.

Posted in Interviews

Thomas Goodrich and Kyle Hunt on Red Ice Creations

HellstormMay 11, 20151 Comment




The illustrious Henrik Palmgren had Kyle and Tom on Red Ice Radio to talk about the new documentary and why it is so relevant to our problems today. This is one you don’t want to miss!

Posted in Interviews

How You Can Help Promote This Documentary

HellstormMay 1, 20155 Comments

Please do whatever you can to make this powerful documentary go viral. There are a number of ways you help, which are quick and easy.

Hellstorm cover image1. Share the link tohellstormdocumentary.comeverywhere you can.
Sharing this link is better than a youtube link, as the youtube video may get taken down, but there will always be a version up at this site. We don’t want your efforts to be wasted. You can post this link on social network sites like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, etc. but also in the comments section of articles, especially ones that deal with the “Holocaust” or other relevant topics.

2. Write a review.
If you have a blog or a website, you can write about your experience watching Hellstorm. You can also simply post the video and a synopsis.

3. Help generate press through interview.
We are open for written, audio, and video interviews, so please let us know if you or someone you know has a media platform and would be interested in discussing the content of this film.

4. Set up screenings for friends, family, and neighbors.
Hook up the video to a big screen or even rent a projector and a hall. Invite everyone you know. You can even entice them with the promise of punch and pie.

5. Call in to radio shows and TV program.
Ask the host or guest why he or she is not talking about the truth found at, which exposes the Allied genocide of Germans during and after World War II.

6. Download the video and then burn DVDs.
If you do not know how to download a youtube video, you can easily use to do so. Most computers these days have the hardware and software to burn DVDs, which are very cheap, and easy to hand out.

7. Create memes.
You can come up with clever images, short videos, or small snippets of texts that can be used to reach large numbers of people. These can be turned into business cards, bumper stickers, buttons and signs. Please let us see what you come up with, so we can share your work with everyone else.

8. Think outside the box.
Perhaps we missed something. In that case, let us know what your big idea is. Or better yet, go out there, do it, and then report back about its success.

Posted in Updates

Good War . . . Better Peace

HellstormApril 12, 20155 Comments

To help celebrate the upcoming 7oth Anniversary of the end of the “Good War” and the beginning of the “Good Peace,” Thomas Goodrich offers the following from his books, Hellstorm—The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947, and Rape Hate—Sex & Violence in War & Peace.

And so, with the once mighty German Army now disarmed and enslaved in May, 1945, and with their leaders either dead or awaiting trial for so-called “war crimes,” the old men, women and children who remained in the dismembered Reich found themselves utterly at the mercy of the victors. Unfortunately for these survivors, never in the history of the world was mercy in shorter supply.

Soon after the Allied victory in Europe, the purge of Nazi Party members from government, business, industry, science, education, and all other walks of German life commenced. While a surprising number of Nazis were allowed—even compelled—to man their posts temporarily to enable a smooth transition, all party members, high and low, were sooner or later excised from German daily life. In theory, “de-Nazification” was a simple transplanting of Nazi officials with those of democratic, socialist or communist underpinnings. In practice, the purge became little more than a cloak for an orgy of rape, torture and death.

denazificationContinue reading →

Posted in Articles



Zakorzeniony w historii Polski i Kresów Wschodnich. Przyjaciel ludzi, zwierząt i przyrody. Wiara i miłość do Boga i Człowieka. Autorytet Jan Paweł II

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